CATHOLIC CHURCH & THE HOLY BIBLE and Frequently Asked Questions
First printing 2000; Second print in 2013; 14,000 copies printed and distributed. Used for religious education and individuals who wish to learn more about the faith.
As Catholics our faith is rooted in actual historical facts.
The story of the Catholic Church is an extraordinary story – it is the story of Jesus Christ imparting the Truth to the Church He founded, and the efforts of that Church to protect and proclaim that Truth so that people can get to know it and get to heaven. It is a story of saints and scholars, of heroes and heretics, of prophets, politicians and popes, of courage, corruption and power struggles, of persecution and prejudice, of martyrs and missionaries, of good and evil.
The Catholic Church should not be in existence today. It has faced enemies for without and within. For the past 2,000 years it has been betrayed by bishops, priests, religious and lay people. It has been attacked by emperors, kings, queens and politicians. But, on account of its Divine Founder, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, it has survived the many attempts to undermine and defeat it. And it will continue. Jesus said that He would be with His Church until the end of time, and the gates of hell would not prevail against it.
This booklet points out some of the most important events in the 2000-year history of the Catholic Church and the Bible, and hopefully, it will instill a desire to learn more of the Full Truth of the Catholic Church and the Bible.
Jesus said, "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32 St. Augustine (354-430) said, "A demanding teacher may ask, 'Is it good Latin?' The Christian should ask, 'Is it true?' " We should constantly seek the Whole Truth about what God has revealed to us.