On March 5 at the conclusion of Mass, Father Joseph Crowley announced that a Eucharistic minister witnessed something unexplainable as he was distributing Communion. “One of our Eucharistic ministers was running out of hosts and suddenly there were more hosts in the ciborium. God just duplicated himself in the ciborium,” an emotional Crowley told the faithful. [...]
... on May 12, 1333 (Ascension Vigil), she went to Mass and presented herself to receive Holy Communion. The priest ignored her completely but the Lord wished to grant the desire of little Imelda. ... Blessed Imelda is Patroness of First Communions.
The biographer of Saint Clare of Montefalco recounts in the acts for her canonization process that “one day Clare came up to Holy Communion without her mantle. Sister Giovanna rebuked her harshly, saying to her, ‘Go away - I don’t want you to receive Holy Communion.’ [...]