Trani is a small town in the south of Italy. In the 11th century, there lived a lady in Trani who hated the Catholic Church and most especially the Eucharist. She wanted to get her hands on a consecrated Host and desecrate it to show Catholics it is not the Body of Christ.
She paid a Catholic woman to get a Host for her. She decided to put it in a pan of boiling oil. When she threw the Host into the boiling oil, it turned into Flesh, and blood began to pour from the Flesh to such a degree that it flowed out of the pot and onto the floor.
The lady panicked and began to scream and carry on. She repented of her action. People heard her screams, realized what had happened and got the priest to bring the Host to the Cathedral.
A procession of city officials and townspeople accompanied the Host. Over the years kings and queens, sick and poor have come to pray in front of the Host which is incorrupt and can be seen today in the Cathedral.
An indirect confirmation to this miracle is also found in the affirmation of St. Pio from Pietreclina, which exclaimed: “Trani is fortunate to have been bathed by the Blood of Christ twice”, the first reference being to this miracle and the later to the miracle of the Colonna Crucifix from which an abundant stream of blood flowed from Jesus’ nose.
Thanks to the generosity of the nobleman Ottavian Campitelli, the house of the woman was converted into a chapel in 1706. In 1616, the relic of the Host was transferred to an antique silver shrine donated by Fabrizio de Cunio. Throughout various eras, many tests were performed on this sacred relic and verified, the last one took place in 1924 at the Inter-diocesan Eucharistic Congress headed by Monsignor Giuseppe Maria Leo.
This miracle shows us:
Jesus keeps His promises that He would give us His Flesh to eat and His Blood to drink (John 6:48-59).
At every Mass, for the last 2,000 years, when the priest says the words of consecration (this is My Body and this is My Blood) the bread and wine are changed into the Body, Blood, Soul, Divinity of Jesus Christ. All Christians believed this miracle happens at Mass for the first 1,500 years until the Protestant Reformation.
The red blood cells in fresh blood break down over time (24 to 48 hours) without refrigeration.
Information from: CD by Fr. John Noone, Miracles of the Eucharist
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