Let’s report the words of Jesus to St. Faustina: “I desire that this image be venerated by the entire world. I promise that the souls of those who attribute veneration to this image will not perish. I even promise victory over their enemies, already here on earth, but especially at the hour of death. I will defend that soul in the name of glory.” Jesus, Himself explained the significance of this devotion: “My daughter, tell all that I am love and mercy personified. The wound in my Heart signifies the unlimited living waters of Mercy. Tell all the souls that I protect them with my shield of Mercy; it is for them that I fight, bearing the just umbrage of my Father […] My daughter! Tell suffering humanity to secure itself to the Mercy of my Heart and I will fill them with peace […] Souls are perishing, regardless of my sorrowful Passion. I concede to them the last table of salvation, meaning my merciful feast […] this icon is a sign of the end days, after such, the day of judgment is upon you.”
After showing His Infinite Mercy, the Lord also showed St. Faustina “hell”. “Today, under the guide of an angel, I went into the abyss of hell. It is a place of extreme torments in the entire, huge, terrifying surroundings. These are the various tortures and torments that I have seen: First torture: This consists of hell as being the loss of the Presence of God; Second: the continuous remorseful conscience; Third: the knowledge that such a destiny will never change; Fourth: This torture is a pain that penetrates the soul, but does not nullify it; it is a terrible torture and it is a purely spiritual, living fire lit only by God’s wrath. Fifth: This is the torture of eternal darkness, a horrible suffocating, putrid odor; even if it is dark, the demons and the condemned souls can see each other among themselves and see all the evil that others have done as well as their own evil. Sixth: This torture is the knowledge of having Satan as a constant companion. Seventh and last: This torture is the incomparable desperation of God’s wrath, in blasphemy, cursing and swearing. The sinner should realize the same ways that he sins is the way he is going to suffer for all eternity. I am writing this by the Lord’s direction, so that no one can say that there is no hell, or that no one has ever been there or that no one knows how it is. I, Sister Faustina, under the Lord’s direction, have been in the abyss of hell, for the simple reason of being able to tell everyone and to witness that hell does exist. What I have written is only a weak shadow of what I have actually seen.”
or Carol J. Seydel The Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association Phone: 815-609-7331 - [email protected] - http://www.therealpresence.org