250 Questions gives us answers to: What is Confession and what are its benefits? What is meant to happen in Confession? Who came up with this practice of Confession? Why do we need it? How can a man have the power to forgive sins and why confess out loud? Why penance? And the History of Confession and much more.
Confession is private, personal, confidential, healthy, free, and a guarantee of getting to Heaven.
It was the first gift which Jesus gave to His Church after His Resurrection. Jesus gave the authority to forgive sins to His Apostles and they passed on that authority to the bishops and priests in the Catholic Church so that sins would be forgiven. It is in black and white in John’s Gospel, Chapter 20:23. It is crisp, concise and clear. “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven, and whose sins you retain are retained.
God wills it. He established it, and what He establishes is permanent.
Confession – only God could think of it. Only a foolish person would ignore it.
250 Questions gives us answers to:
What is Confession and what are its benefits;
What is meant to happen in Confession;
Who came up with this practice of Confession;
Why do we need it;
Is there a need in people to confess to others;
Is there any similarity between the Old Testament forgiveness of sins and the Sacrament of Reconciliation today?
How can a man have the power to forgive sins and why confess out loud;
Protestants and non-Catholics do not have the Sacrament of Confession. How can they get forgiveness for their sins;
Why can’t other Christian denominations go to Confession in the Catholic Church;
Do non-Christians have something like Confession;
On the Day of Atonement in Judaism, didn’t the priest simply send a goat away which carried off the sins of the people, and they did not have to say out their sins individually;
Why penance;
The History of Confession and much more.
First ebook & print 2019; Second August 2020